Today Captain Laurena Bowells, embarked on mission to unknown distress signal aboard her vessel, the USS Apollo’s Light. Upon arrival to the scene sensors of the Galaxy Class vessel found an escape pod with no sign of where it came from. There was no mother ship nor any wreckage.
Captain Bowells made the quick decision to order the escape pod aboard. After a security team opened it up, they found Lieutenant Commander Megan Shepard inside. She was unconscious and injured but she was provided quick help from the experienced medical team. Her condition is reported as “not life threatening” by the medical staff aboard the Apollo’s Light.
The official stance from Solas Tempus is given to be;
Commander Shepard escaping from enemy imprisonment is a fortunate event. Despite extensive injures the Commander managed to get off enemy vessel and send a distress signal, allowing us to find her. On the orders of the CMO of the Apollo’s Light, she is resting while her wounds heal and is not permitted visitors for the time being. The only information we can currently provide is that she is stable and her wounds are healing.
For now we don’t have more information apart from fact Commander Shepard is resting in sickbay and not taking visitors apart from few trusted people. Reporters were unable to get an appointment to meet with the Commander at this time.