Eyes in the Barracks

The bravest, finest, best equiped. Solas Tempus Marines are elite of Solas Tempus forces. Today we invite you to join with us for day of their training. Read about whole day in barracks, learn about experiences you might get, see what those who decide to pursue this carreer endure.

Today one of our reporters was invited to observe day from a training of Solas Tempus Marines. They receive invitation for whole day and clearance to take footage, obviously with restriction that ST has to see material before it will get aired to make sure no classified information get released.

Morning / Breakfast (0600)

Day of training starts early at 0600, recruits are waking up and suiting up into their uniforms then forming line inside their bunk barracks. Their drill instructor commences inspection of their uniforms and service phaser rifles.

After that they leave forming up at parade ground for announcements. They learn that we are here and are to provide us with any assistance we require. They are also informed that we are allowed to record training. After that recruits go to mess hall for breakfast.

One of drill sergeant stopped us and told that this meal will be special showing us apparently a flashbang grenade used to non-lethally subdue hostile forces. We observe as he sneaks up to mess hall door and few minutes into breakfast throws it in yelling about attack. Recruits that are here already for few weeks without thinking reach to their equipment, some flip tables to create barricades, they are shortly followed by more recent ones…

Apart from one.

His battle-buddy tried to pull him behind cover before its too late but poor recruit was noticed standing in the open by DI. We overheard one of other recruits saying

“Oh god, no”

Recruit from the Same Unit

As Sergeant approached recruit he started yelling at him, and telling him that he would be dead if this would be real attack. In end he asked recruit for his unit then announced that, quoting

“[Since] this unit has such stupid dead rookies they need to now clean whole mess hall. Later expect even more fun!”

Drill Sergeant Kerry Adamns

While unit started cleaning rest of marine trainines went to their respective training areas, we followed one one them.

Morning / After Breakfast

Unit we followed arrived at range where they were issued power packs to their rifles. Taking positions they loaded them in and at command started firing at holographic targets. Taking their time they aimed down the sights scoring hits. After that they moved to obstacle course. This too went mainly calm as recruits moved under, over and across obstacles. After that recruits got some time off. We got informed that they will be going on a walk around country side soon, and that if we want we can go with them or go to other team, we decided to take walk with the recruits. 

During that march i heard one of funnier exchanges between drill sergeant and recruit:

“Recruit Kowalski, I didn’t saw you at camouflage training yesterday!”
“Thank you sir drill sergeant! I appreciate your compliment!”

Recruit Kawalski and Drill Sergeant Kerry Adams. We must congratulate Recruit Kowalski for his outstanding performance during training in camouflage


Recruits walked out of base in column and started walking down the road, each one carrying whole kit weighing 50 pounds (this is kit without their Exoskeleton, this team didn’t reach point in training to use them yet). One of sergeant approached us carrying even larger backpack, which for recruits was majority of their gear, imagine our surprise when he showed us that his backpack, which was two times size of recruits one, was filled with pillows. He told us to stay silent about it.

During exercise we saw him approaching multiple recruits asking to swap bags with them, we weren’t surprised that they were refusing, although our cameraman could barely hold laugh at whole situation, so did I to be honest. Finally one of recruites decided to swap, his face was pure shock when his 30 pound backpack got suddenly replaced by maybe 5 pound bag of pillows. He quickly regained his composure and continued on like nothing happened. One of other recruits told us later that some instructors love to pull antics at recruits, we could see that few more times.This walk took majority of day with only break for MREs as team was scheduled to arrive after last meal.Instructor asked if we want to stay for night to see how barracks operate at that time, seeing it as good occasion we obviously agreed. I decided to stay with troopers in barracks while rest of crew went to more comfortable accomodations at DI quarters.

In middle of night I felt slight poke.

Middle of Night

When I woke up I saw teams DI showing me to be silent and pointing to “firewatch” who was asleep.

This occurrence requires some backstory, in old age when firearms were propelled by powder and most common type of explosive was TNT (a very unstable material) Firewatch was officer that was on guard to wake up sleeping soldiers in case of fire, in early 2000 that function became more symbolic, or as some called it “torture”.

Firewatch currently Is sentry that guards barracks from unauthorized personnel (i.e recruits from other teams). This firewatch as I mentioned was asleep.

Next thing I saw I will probably never forget, it was just so out of this world. Drill Sergeant in full camo fatigues and face paint dropped on ground and started crawling under bunks toward firewatch desk, I saw some soldiers on his path waking up, but they swiftly turned to observers, no one even thought to warn poor bastard that stood guard. As the Sergeant approached the recruit he pulled out phaser and put it to his back screaming some gibbering in bad Klingon. It is no wonder to anyone that watch woke up reaching to his service rifle that DI swiftly took.

This recruit probably didn’t had next day easy as his whole unit was so called “smoked”, that is disciplined through intense training (I heard he received “Ridges” as nickname although I wasn’t able to confirm that).

Next day we gave all material we had to ST intelligence to inspect and after receiving green light, we send it to you right here.