Violent offences among young children in Los Angeles boarding schools. Recently reports have started to circulate within the educational community that those high priced boarding schools may not be the safest place to send your children. Over the last month 3 of the most prominent boarding schools in Los Angeles have seen a troubling surge in violent offences. Not from adults in the school, but from the young children. A 12 year old boy was hospitalized when another student leaped over several desks in the middle of class and began to beat the boy with a stapler. Our investigation revealed this is not the first such case, not even close. Over the last month 14 different kids, with the youngest being just 7 year old, have been sent home after a mix of violent outbursts, paranoid behavior, and in one case a near suicide.
Police are investigating on several fronts, at this time they have declared the incidents are not related. The schools themselves declined the comment. We did speak to a number of parents with children attending the different schools who are concerned. Disciplinary cases of other kinds are on the rise as well. Though public schools have not seen a matching rise in disciplinary actions which has some parents wondering if the problem is not during the day, but at night when the children are boarded at the school.
With the recent rise in violent crimes at group homes there are some hard questions to be asked. While police and other officials continue to say the two events are unrelated, it is difficult to believe they are.