Update on Operation Succubus

The INV Serpent arrived at our facility Assyria Base on schedule and refit began immediately. Unfamiliar with the hyperdrive technology or hypermatter reactors, the refits are slower going than one would like. After some amount of argument with Admiral Vallan, he begrudgingly agreed to allow them to refit the reactors with matter-antimatter reactors which engineering crews are far more familiar with. The turbolaser designs appeared to require only minor adjustments to bring them up to speed to be comparable with phaser and disruptor designs. Transporters and expanded shields were also added tot he vessels. The full refit has taken longer than expected but is now complete.

The Duchess Malumnus has temporarily joined the Admiral’s Imperial fleet to assist in operations, part of the larger Operation Succubus to apply political pressure and undermine Solas Tempus. The fleet’s current task is already underway, they have successfully intercepted and captured the commanding officer of the Federation vessel dispatched to the Schatten Star System to assist and monitor Solas Tempus. The Commander has been detained aboard the Serpent who has already fended of one attempt to rescue her using their overwhelmingly superior numbers and firepower.

For this KS and Bucket would really like some people to play interrogators. KS plays Megan Shepard and while I play Angelique, I’d like to keep her more supervisory. Bucket, of course, plays Admiral Vallan. It would be very useful for someone to play an interrogator or similar part in the process, see both KS and Bucket for details on that.