Angelos Son Arrested

Takumi Angelos, son of John Angelos, has been arrested by Special Agent Aadila Reza on charges of attempted sexual assault. While Ms. Reza declined to comment on the ongoing investigation, John Angelos has been at the center of a rather disturbing accusation, where he is accused of having unlawful sexual relations with his adoptive daughter who is not yet of legal age of consent within the Concord. If the charges turn out to be true against the younger Angelos it could be used by the prosecution to paint a potential pattern of behavior for the family. Rumors have circulated for some time that Takumi Angelos is a bit of a wild-child having multiple partners, sometimes even on the same night. While that is not illegal and so far no other allegations of wrong-doing have surfaced it is not out of the range of possibility that the young man be facing more charges in the aftermath of one person willing to stand up for themselves.

Governor Maddox and Senator Murrika have both released a joint statement condemning the actions of Takumi Angelos and calling on the Civilian Oversight Board to exercise their right to order that John Angelos be removed from active duty. Their chief concern, according to the statement, is that he is in a direct conflict of interest. It is also of interest that Tobirama Angelos is currently in holding pending charges of assault against Jyn which could lead some to conclude that a strong tradition of violence against others runs through the family. Investigators will no doubt wish to talk to Itza Angelos next, where they may expect to find more evidence of a further pattern of violence.

The Governor’s office has also confirmed that it is considering charges of obstruction of justice against John Angelos who apparently attempted to convince SA Reza to release his son, on the suggestion that he would give up and allow himself to go to prison. While some may see that as a confession, he did not actually admit to wrong doing. In a partial copy of a private report sent by the Special Agent to the Governor’s office it states that John Angelos believes his son to be innocent on the grounds that it is SA Reza’s fault for expecting the young man to control himself. Such a sentiment has prompted serious concern among many levels of the government. It is expected that Fleet Admiral Thomas himself will have to respond to this incident with a stronger stance or risk seriously alienating his superiors who could, in theory, remove him from command as he personally brought John Angelos into the organization where he was appointed as chief of security of Nimbus Station. There are already calls from senators to consider removing him from command, which so far the Admiral has been able to rebuff based on his years of service.

Contest – Sexiest Ship

So we’re doing a contest to decide on the sexiest ship. The winner of the contest, the person who submitted the ship that is voted to be sexiest, will get the opportunity to write a plot line where a character of their choice gets to obtain that ship. Of course, standard caveats apply to maintain balance of power in the game. If, for whatever reason, the ship is in the game already or impossible to add the award will be discussed with the player and a suitable replacement will be agreed upon.

Submissions will end Monday the 4th by 5pm Eastern US Time. Right now we have 6 submissions pinned in the media channel on Discord. Once 5pm hits on the 4th, we will open a poll for users to vote on what they believe the sexist of the presented ships are.

Ships must be starships of at least 100 meters in length or a crew of at least 100 people.

May’s Top Contributors

Here are the top contributors for May 2018.


  • Titan Shadow (64 Replies)
  • Buckethead (38 Replies)
  • Red_the_heretic (32 Replies)


Contribution Score combines new pages with revisions.

  • Cyclope (Contribution Score 93)
  • Darktrooper501 (Contribution Score 29)
  • Neo Akazuli (Contribution Score 15)


  • Titan Shadow#1701 gets 2000 Guild Points
  • Buck Approves#3038 gets 750 Guild Points
  • darktrooper501#8924 gets 750 Guild Points
  • Red the 15th#2304 gets 500 Guild Points
  • JumpingScript#4310 gets 500 Guild Points

New Top Guild Scores

New scores directly from Tatsumaki:

User Score
darktrooper 224033
Titan Shadow 220951
Red the 15th 165881
t0l 151836
ks 146883
The Chubby Gamer, Sloth Boi 138390
Dr. Winterdawn 96528
(Thatotakugalaxy) Jade 83808
JumpingScript 80865
Buck Approves 71531

Thank you for all the help everyone!

Awarding for Wiki and Forum Contributions

So I’ve been trying for a while to figure out how to reward people for adding content to the wiki or using the forum. So what I have come up with is that each month I’ll award, via the Tatsumaki bot on Discord, guild points for the top 3 contributors for the last month. The Wiki site is the easiest, as I just installed a handy extension that does exactly this. Discourse also has a nice feature, which will use the number of replies, since this is a role-play community, replies are everything! I may consider adding a bonus or something for the number of topics started or some such.

Here is the breakdown for the points awarded. The forum and wiki are treated separately in this case.

1st Place gets 1000 points.
2nd Place gets 750 points.
3rd Place gets 500 points.

Point totals may get adjusted in the future as needed.

Notice to Increase Security Measures

All departments are ordered to increase security measures both physically and electronically. All physical access keys and ports are to be locked and secured when not directly in use, any and all potentials for security breeches should be reported to security immediately, even if they are probably nothing, they are to be reported immediately. Any individuals sighted accessing a terminal without probable cause are to be reported to security immediately as well. Personnel are not to allow access to their terminals by third parties, even family members, all personnel of all ages are to use their own access codes to access any and all terminals.

There is a security threat on the station. Security personnel are ordered to begin investigation all possible security breeches until some answers are found. At least 3 major breeches of digital security have occurred in this month alone, we need to defend ourselves and root out the security problem before another breech happens.

If we cannot secure out information, we have a more serious problem than politics and public opinion.

Strange Things Get Stranger

For background, the Star Herald is a publication produced though some unknown magical means to push news out to the world. I will define it better later. Probably distributed by old methods, such as caravans where someone could buy something that magically updates or something, I don’t know yet.

Across the known 10 Kingdoms the Souls Templar has been fighting creatures which have not been seen since the days of old. In woods and forests across the land monsters have been sighted, killing and even eating their victims before burning villages to the ground.

Undead Plague Neskar

In the marshlands of the Kingdom of Neskar, in the south, stories are told of the dead rising from the grave. The King of Neskar has proclaimed that this must be the work of evil Necromancers intent on breaking the Peace of Ages and further has asked the Templar to help them in rooting out the users of such vile magic. Necromancy has a long-standing association with evil legend tells of evil wizards raising the dead to form armies to rule the living. The King claims to have irrefutable knowledge that there is an evil Necromancer in Duskmoor Fen but refuses to produce it. The Templar has sent a group of knights to help the King either quell the evil wizard or see the truth.

Ghosts Haunt Anzar’s Delve

The Queen of Oflar has claimed her right to protection and called on the Knight of the Souls Templar to respond! The Knights have sent a contingent to assist the Queen, who claims that ghosts have started to swarm the nearby ruins of Anzar’s Delve and have begun to expand and attack her people living nearby. In her letter to the Templar, she tells several nearby towns have been attacked and many of her subjects killed, some to just again roam as tormented ghosts not long after. Her harrowing tale is one which has struck fear into many small towns which sit near ruins.

Wailing in the Silence

The Silent Sea which separates the Realm of Froqua to the north and the Espary Fiefdom to the south. The water has been known for its calm and quiet surface, legends tell that the sea fell silent when a warship came up from the depths during the Great War and a great wizard sealed the surface against it ever happening again, entombing all within the water to remain there forever. As the legend tells the sea has been calm ever since, though locals from both nations are adamant that swimming in the sea will get a young fool taken, never to be seen again.

In recent weeks people in Fiheath in Froqua and in Indun on the border of the two both report on cloudy nights when the normally calm sea becomes rough, they can hear a mournful wailing coming from the lake, some smaller villages on the shores tell of the dead calling to them for help, so much that several who live off the sea are afraid to fish.

No More Pinging – WordPress for Site News

I was originally not going to use the WordPress for site news, although I had the category for it. I’ve rethought that, given that it ties in so tightly with Discourse. Thus, two things have been changed. Additionally, the site will no longer ping roles for posts to the forum, I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while but while the system will continue to toss posts onto the Discord from the forum, it won’t send out pings. People will, I hope, more freely listen to pings when it isn’t being so over-used as I think it was getting to be.

There is also now a category here on the WordPress for Solas Tempus Internal COMs, which represents internal memos sent by Solas Tempus. This will allow me to notify everyone of internal orders going back and forth within Solas Tempus and provide more clarity when dealing with things that happen off screen. It won’t be every single thing that goes on, but a good way for me to publish things when I don’t know how to be clear or a lot of people have similar questions.

A Questionable Pattern Evolving?

A questionable pattern is starting to become clearer as new documents are against released to the public. The source of these documents appears to be the same as the source that released the documents dealing with the Spartans and still remains anonymous. Reading the documents makes it clear that there may be more of a story to tell with regard to the universe which they came from.

The Spartan documents make mention of a group called the Covenant, for which we know very little with the exception that the group which commissioned the Spartan’s to be made was in some kind of conflict with them. This fresh set of documents tells of the Covenant committing utter acts of atrocity against the human races, going so far as to “glass” planets, a process which involves destroying all life on a planet through orbital bombardment with high energy plasma weapons. Weapons which, incidentally, the newly arrived vessel Severed Grace has. Questions have been raised in the highest levels of government, questions that the Department of Military Actions and Services has few answers to. Largely the department has left the running of the Schatten System to Solas Tempus, as the primary facilities in the system are military in nature – the organization has adopted a policy of allowing newly arrived vessels and people to promise they will abide by the local laws to avoid being incarcerated to sent back.

Sending a newly arrived person or vessel back can take months as the Janus Project can take a significant amount of time to find the originating reality to return a new arrival to. However, if Solas Tempus is willing to allow such dangerous individuals as the Spartan’s and a Covenant battle cruiser to remain in the system unchecked with with an obvious conflict between those two sides there is a serious question to be made on whether or not Solas Tempus is competent to manage such things, at least under their current leadership.

Rebel Alliance Revealed!

Documents have been obtained by our reporters that the Rebel Alliance has had similar dealings as the Spartans. Detailed information from the X-Wing of Alema on pervious missions tells a rather extensive story of the Rebel Alliance having a complete and total disregard for the the lives of civilians. In one mission to a planet which is not named, the Rebel Alliance slaughtered 10,000 or more civilians to destroy the Imperial outpost. Another mission killed some 1,600 people, without giving the option for surrender.

In the first completely actionable information found is a detailed report about a mission involving a significant amount of civilian casualties. The pilot, Alema, is reported as being the cause of 1,045 civilian deaths when her fighters caused extensive damage crushing an entire village in a rock slide when she accidentally fire a torpedo into a rock face. Further, the Rebel Alliance command is noted to know that a future mission will have a high likelihood of civilian casualties.

Other Investigations Painting a Picture

Two other investigations also paint an additionally disturbing image of how things are run in the system; that of Tal Ravis and of John Angelos, both of which have active investigations into their conduct with similar subject matter. In the case of Security Chief Angelos the question has been raised about his relationship with a young 16 year old resident of the station and while STS has declined to release her name to the press for obvious reasons this runs parallel with the potential relationship being had by Mr. Ravis and a new arrival who – by all accounts – is even younger. Both of these add to a dangerous image of Fleet Admiral Thomas and his second, Admiral D’Amico, paying little attention to civilians which rely on them for protection.

Station Structure Command Hindered

New reports have surfaced about a confrontation between Nimbus Station Executive Officer Mike-037 and several of his subordinates. The confrontation occurred in the fighter bay of Nimbus, starting out as a heated disagreement between two groups of enlisted personnel. The argument itself was nothing to write home about, a simple disagreement over the exchange of shifts. However, this disagreement became even more heated and more critical when the XO overheard the disagreement and stepped in to investigate.

Mike-037 inserted himself to calm things down and ended up making them worse. The two sides of the argument joined forces grilling him with questions about the released documents. What would have normally been an issue where several crew would have likely disengaged and calmed down at the sight of a superior turned into a heated stand-off between the group of enlisted man and the station’s second in command. It becomes clear from the video linked below, the crew demonstrate a complete lack of respect for the Lt. Commander.

The article gives a link to a surveillance video showing the confrontation.

One thing, however, is crystal clear. Lt. Commander Mike-037 is unflappable during the confrontation, he maintains a clearly authoritative stance and does not get angry in what must have been an entirely frustrating situation. Whether one is to believe the documents accusations the XO was perfectly willing to take the focus and frustration of the group and let it roll off his back and that should be a strong note about his character.

Our own investigation into the actions of Nimbus Station XO Mike-037 have uncovered a conversation told to us by medical staff on condition of anonymity, for fear of reprisal. The conversation took place in the Nimbus Station Sickbay on May 21st. At the time a new Spartan had just spliced in and been treated for multiple injuries. Mike himself admitted that he found it easier to kill aliens.

The pair also had a conversation about the potential for using the developing fan clubs against the system. Apparently the pair have had some degree of experience dealing with the manipulation of public opinions, mentioning being used for propaganda purposes. The entire issue is further complicated by the apparent unwillingness for Mike himself to speak to anyone about this issue, at least nowhere that is visible to the public.

Investigator Dispatched

The Department of Protection and Investigation (DPI) has sent investigators to Nimbus Station in order to determine the nature of the allegations and if there is any thing actionable to be done. A high level official within the department commented that the investigators may expand their investigation into other areas if they feel it is necessary to do to. This further highlights the other problems facing Solas Tempus and the political fight they are embroiled in right now.

Colony Site Approved

The new site for the first civilian colony on Soteria has been approved, near the Anguta Bay. The site has been designated as Alpha Site for construction purposes and Minister Vaber has opened it up to the public to name the first city of Soteria. Starting today the Minister’s office will be accepting naming suggestions in order to choose among them. The entire public can vote on and submit what it thinks the city should be named.

The site is being surveyed right now for the exact details of the cities layout and placement. The initial breaking of ground should occur sometime in the next week. Plans for the city, thus far, include plans for both commercial and industrial parks, hoping to attract civilian businesses and services to come to Soteria and help develop the planet. There is some pushback from naturalist groups that the planet should be left largely alone, especially after what happened to the base Nysa.